Tsarin rufin rufin
Trapezoidal takarda dutse
L-ƙafa za a iya hawa kan rufin da ba a sani ba ko wasu rufin tin. Ana iya amfani da shi tare da M10X200 Hangangons don isasshen sarari tare da rufin. An kwashe ƙafafun roba da aka kwantar da shi na musamman don rufin da ke cikin halittar.
Kwallata shingle rufin dutsen
Shingle rufin tsarin hasken rana an tsara shi don rufin wasan shingle. Yana nuna kayan rufin na Universal PV yana walƙiya wanda ke mai hana ruwa, mai dorewa kuma ya dace da yawancin rufin rufin. Using our innovative rail and pre-assembled components such as tilt-in-T module, clamp kit and PV mountingflashing, our shingle roof mounting not only makes the module installation easy and saves time but also minimises damage to the roof.
Gajere / dogo
Tsarin talauci ba kawai yake ceton abu ba, amma kuma yana da sauƙin shigar. Yana buƙatar sassa huɗu kawai don kammala shigarwa. Kamfaninta na tabbatar da kamfanin da aka tabbatar da shi don tabbatar da rashin lafiya. At the same time, it is also convenient to earthing.Through the connection of VG Solar-VG TS02, not only the solar panel can be more stable, but also the oxide film on the frame surface of the solar panel can be pierced to achieve Manufar Grounding, kuma ana iya samun sakamako sau biyu.
Tayal rufewa vg-tr01
Tsarin rufin layin wasan kwaikwayo na rana (ƙugiya) ya dace da rufin karfe mai haske, rufin tila, tobile rufewa, sharar shaye-shaye da sauransu. It can be fixed to the roof beam or iron sheet, select the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, and offer great flexibility. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
Dutsen Dutsen VG-Tr02
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, kuma yana da sassauƙa mai yawa. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
Dutsen Dutsen Dutsen VG-Tr03
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, kuma yana da sassauƙa mai yawa. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system